We went for a 3d2n vacation at Tioman on Sunday. We boarded a midnight bus to Mersing and reached the bus station around 4.30 am on Monday. This is the second time we went to Tioman, last time was in 2007.

Happy kids during the take-off and once arrived.We have to walk to the jetty because Transnasional no longer drop its passengers at the usual Mersing R&R station. Pffttttt! At 6 am, the restaurants opened and we were so hungry (sebenarnya saya yang tersangat lapar) so we ordered breakfast. We have to wait until 8.30 am for the resort's office to open. We stayed at
Panuba Inn, the same accomodation we took during our last trip. I just love the place I don't know why, maybe because they have their own private beach and the place is pretty and neat. We took the Durian-type room at RM110 nett per night with breakfast and they arranged the boat transfer for us too. It was RM70 per pax for return ticket.
Our boat was scheduled at 12.30 pm, which means it was the second trip. First trip started at 10 am and Johan negotiated with the boat operator at the counter and luckily, we were allowed to board the 10 am trip. Tak kuasa mak nak tunggu berjam-jam nak naik bot! Since the sinking boat incident last year (if I'm not mistaken..), the Malaysian Sea Dept took proper pre-cautions regarding the safety of the passengers. We were given boarding passes before exiting the gate and once inside the boat, we were required to write our particulars, so as to collect details of the passengers boarding a particular boat. Once everything's done, the boat left the jetty around 10.40 am and reached Tioman at 12.15 pm. The journey from land to island takes about 2 hours.
Nothing much changed about Panuba Inn from 2007. Except that they've enhanced their chalets, meaning they built more rooms, the reception has gone through a major renovation and the beach hasn't been like before. It still has greenish-blue water but it wasn't as clear as before and the colors haven't been that striking but I like the place still.

On the second day after breakfast, we went for jungle trekking to the nearby village called Kampung Air Batang. Took some pictures as usual and we walked further till the end of the village and walk again to the next village called Tekek. Tekek has more locals residing in and I think, is not a very good place for beach escapade because it's too crowded. With locals' houses, an airport, too many shops, concrete buildings, government offices, they just destroyed the au-naturel beach concept. Hahaha. Tujuannya ke Tekek cuma satu. At first, Johan booked a room at
Samudra Swiss Cottage in Tekek, but me being oh-so-demanding, prefers less crowded place and more private beach, thus Panuba became the choice. So then, while we were already walked further down to Tekek, why not if we went to Samudra Swiss Cottage too, just to drop by and feel the vibe.
Discovering Kampung Air Batang

By the beach near Kampung Air Batang jetty (pardon the syok sendiri pose)

To go to Samudra Swiss Cottage, you have to walk further down the road from the jetty. It's a bit far, suggesting you take a ride (cab, tumpang whatever) to reach the place. The place is nice indeed, I could say kinda private eventho they have next door neighbours (I forgot what the resort's called). The huts are nestled under pine trees, giving it a cool and shady environment. The room is very simple, don't dream of flat screen TV or the luxuries but the toilet is cool. I like the tiles. How do I know? Because I took a sneak peek from an open door of one of the huts. Hahahaha! Then I saw a monitor lizard! Dangggggg! Kaget sebentar di situ.
After discovering the cottage, we decided to head back to Panuba because Tekek is boring. But we were too tired to walk and once we reached the Tekek jetty, a local offered to drive us to the border of Kampung Air Batang near the marine park at Rm10. Ok la, dah tak larat sangat nak jalan dah. Walked again and had lunch at Mawar's Chalets in ABC. And jungle trekked again to reach Panuba. Once we were in the room, collapsed habis kepenatan.
View around Panuba Inn from our room balcony

The next day, our last day. We just laze around at the jetty and took more pictures. By this time I felt fat because during my stay, I kept on eating and munching. Must undergo a strict diet once I'm back in KL. Boleh ke?

Phewwwww.... that's an entry with whole load of pictures.