The renovation is finally done and over. Since I'm back at work now (sigh!), we could only visit and clean the house on weekends. We still have a month rental lease at our old flat, so for the time being we're going back and forth from USJ to Puchong on weekly basis to manage the new house. It's kinda sad too thinking that we just have two weeks left to stay here at the flat before we move out for good to our new home sweet home. After staying here for almost two years, for sure we have a lot of memories to cherish.
But of course, we have to move on. We're going to start a family soon with a baby coming in, and I need my very own place to call home. Alhamdulillah... It took five weeks for this major renovation to be completed. I guess this is just the right time for us to move in, before I deliver my baby in July.
Here's the compilation of pictures to feast your eyes. I will write in details about my vendors (I know a lot of you have been asking these questions), most probably next week because I'm kinda occupied with packing, cleaning and house moving right now. Urghhhhhhh I just wish I can have extra leave from work to manage this new house. Tak cukup lagi ke kau dah cuti 2 bulan selama ni cik Elly ooiiiiiiiii! Kahkahkah!
Oh, mind the messiness of my house in the pictures. We're in the midst of cleaning at that time and I was too lazy to wait until everything is spotless and clean to do some photography skills. That can wait. Maybe in another post. So just stay tuned!

Let's start with the front of the house. Everything is just simple from the gate to the grill and the wood awning. Anything that suits our budget is good. Hahaha. Interior wall is painted already. Somehow it looks a bit yellowish where initially I wish it looks more to brownish but it's okay, we can always repaint it later. Maybe after 3 years. Kehkehkeh! (kes bajet dah habis la ni...). The tiles need to be cleaned with acid so we'll leave the job to the workers. I can't smell chemicals. It's not good for me and the baby.
Let's move on further into the porch area. We're not going to park our cars inside here. They should be outside. Hahaha! We have two separate area tho. The first one (first picture) is supposed to be the parking area but we're going to leave it wide open as it is. It's fully shaded so kids can play here. In the second picture, we built a stage with 2-step stairs which leads to the main entrance. We also installed two identical hanging outdoor lamps in those areas.
Now, we're entering the living hall. I'm gonna separate it into two, one for formal and one for tv area. It's still empty because we haven't transferred our existing furniture from the flat yet. What we have now is just the new furniture bought on sale last year. That explains why we don't have curtains, carpet, wall decorations, etc yet. Those will have to wait by end of this month.
The dining hall, nothing much too. We haven't mounted the wall deco for this area. And we're still waiting for our cabinet and large mirror from Macy to complete this area. Oh, maybe some table mats and a vase of fresh flowers would do to transform the bare table. That can wait too, by end of this month. Hahaha!
The master bedroom (
first picture), just have some basic furniture. Bed frame and wardrobe in dark colored wood. I was too lazy to hang the curtains since I'm too heavy now. I need help for that. The third room (
second picture) is still bare. We planned to transform this area into prayer/guest/utility room, some basic furniture are still at our old flat. That too, have to wait. No pictures of the second room tho. That's the baby nursery and it's still cluttered with baby items. I just have no mood to take pictures after the camera went dead.
The first picture is our bathroom. Yes, we're just gonna leave it like that. We're still procrastinating on finishing the walls with gloss paint. The second picture is the toilet area. We have all the accessories in stainless steel to match the theme:
Hahaha at this time the kitchen area is cluttered with all sorts of cleaning bottles so mind the messiness. Nothing much to add for this area. Except for the fridge and microwave oven which will be transported later together with the other furniture from our flat.
Oh yes, the clutters from the previous works are still there. We need more manpower to move those things away. Once everything is removed, then we can start cleaning this area. Yes, the metal door is finally there. Thank God!
We are so broke (I mean really reallyyyyyyyyyyyy broke!) this month so any plan for interior decoration has to be postponed to next month. We received offers from family members regarding housewarming gifts. Hahaha this is good but we have most of the major things settled. Hmmmm I guess we have to start working on the gift list anyway, I can't refuse such good offers. Inilah rezeki namanya. Alhamdulillah!