Been thinking of giving favors in takeout boxes. I googled the ideas on the net, there are sooooooo many inspirations.

Great news is, I found a
vendor that provides takeout boxes in our very own country. Yeay! It's just RM1 per box.
Just a quick update...I've sent my dress for fitting. Remember I bought it online? Everything is perfect, I just need to alter the length for another 2-inch shorter than the original length. Other than that, I can say I'm very much satisfied.
I'll be going to Bandung with my family for a holiday trip next month. I still have two siblings in school. So vacation during school holiday is an opportunity. Hehehe. I may not shop much, considering I have everything planned in my head already. I think I'll just buy a nice red kain for my bridesmaids. That's all.
I need to set an appointment with
Nurul, the vendor for our pelamin. Need to ask for deco for the hall and table setting as well.
I need to start making invitation cards. But no green light (confirmation) from Johan yet. It's a bit troublesome.
I need to re-plan the bunga pahar ideas with
Nani, once I'm done with the colors and design of the pelamin.
I need to start taking good care of my skin and hair. Hahaha.
Thank God I still got 1-year ahead to plan. I know it's tooooooooo early but I'm fussy like that I need to start scouting from now.