Aisyah is sleeping so I have to write this entry as fast as possible before she cracks up. Huhuhu...
As of today, I'm at day 33 of confinement and weighing at 57 kilos. That means I shed off 11 kilos of my pregnancy weight and need to work out more to get rid of this extra 7 kilos to gain my normal weight. Phewwwwwww! Target: 50kg by Hari Raya. Wish me luck!
So, how's everyone doing so far? As for me, life after having a baby is rather hectic. Since Aisyah turned one month old last Thursday, putting her to sleep is like a battle now. And one thing I noticed, being a Mommy, everything must be done in fast pace, from bathing, cooking and doing house chores. You hardly get a good rest as you had before but I love every bits of it when I saw Aisyah grows right in front of my eyes.
Owh, talking about confinement hmmmmm... well nothing much actually. I decided not to go through the 100 days of confinement since it's too much hassle (and BORINGGGGGGGGGG I tell you!). 44 days is more than enough for me. For the first two weeks, I stayed at my mom's house where she took care of me and the baby. Since I had episiotomy and the wounds are still fresh, I need help to get around and doing things.
Pantang food is rather bland and simple. In the early weeks, all I had is just rice, white radish and fish (cooked either in steamed, fried or singgang style). For breakfast, a bowl of cereal or toasts with hot Milo/Horlicks will do. I avoided eggs, chicken, certain fish and cold/iced water at all costs. As for the supplement, I consumed Shaklee products for breastfeding moms. And so far, Shaklee suits me and my milk production has increased a bit. Not much actually but just enough to feed Aisyah and makes her full everyday.
During my second week of confinement, I had my sesi berurut for 3 days straight. And no, I didn't do all the bertangas and bertungku. Rimas! Hahaha.
I stayed at my mom's during the weekdays only and we went back home every weekends, since friends and family wanted to come over to visit Aisyah. By the third week, I decided to berpantang at my house by my own. My wounds are healed by the second week and I feel confident to handle a newborn baby. So there goes my new routine... bath, feed and put my baby to sleep.
On the fourth week of confinement, we decided to bring Aisyah out to the world. Yes, we brought her to OU, kononnya for Raya shopping but ended up with nothing since Aisyah decided to make a scene. Yes, she's still a tiny baby but her Mommy was bored as hell staying inside during confinement and wanted some action. Heheheheh.

Us, with Aisyah at her 30 days of age.
Okay, Aisyah is awake now. Toodles!